Defeating the Allies' death panels,1939-1945

A large and powerful minority - in all the world's nations - continues to oppose extending medical care to those unable to afford it.

The best known of course are the Republican party supporters in America.

This suggests that there are still lots of lessons left unlearnt from the story of wartime penicillin.

Because wartime Manhattan's other project was an individual selfless act of agape : a dying doctor fighting the Allied governments to get enough wartime penicillin for ALL humanity .

Thanks to Henry Dawson's polyglot Penicillin , ten billion of us since 1940 have seen our lives improved without any charge to ourselves.

All because this dying Manhattan doctor put saving ten others above his own life : ten billion from ten ; "bread cast upon waters" indeed !

This story is about an event that a recent survey of WOMEN voted as "the most important news story of the 20th century".

It is the story of the 'other' Manhattan Project. One as small and inclusive as the famous one was big and secretive.

Centred on life-sustaining penicillin as opposed to the death-dealing Bomb, it nevertheless helped end the war. Not with a horrific bang, but with a hopeful whimper --- from a contented newborn.

 Ramzi Yousef bombed the WORLD TRADE CENTRE he says to 'repay those killed by the biggest Manhattan Project' . Would he - and his much more deadly successors - have done so if they had known of the good done by "The smallest Manhattan Project" ?

I have enjoyed the years spent researching, thinking and writing this story, mostly because it is that distinct rarity : a moral 'Good News Story' from WWII's decidedly amoral Bad  News War.

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